Browse by Make << Compact List
Field (1)
"Nigga" (1)
.Michelin (1)
? (2)
A. Dumont & Cie (1)
A.A (2)
A.A and Motor Unuion (1)
A.A, Hotel (1)
A.A. (55)
A.C. (9)
A.C. Cars (1)
A.C. Plugs (14)
A.C. Plugs. (3)
A.C.Cars (1)
A.C.Plugs (1)
A.C.R. & Co (1)
Abbey (2)
Accordian (1)
ACME (1)
Aero (9)
Aero Motor Spirit (2)
Aerolene (1)
Afmah (1)
Air (2)
AKA (1)
Aladdin (2)
Albion (8)
Alda (1)
Alfa Romeo (2)
Allcocks (1)
Allweiler (1)
Ampol (1)
Anglo American (4)
Anglo American Oil (1)
Anglo Bosphorus (1)
Anglo Dutch (2)
Anglo Pennsilvanian (1)
Anglo Russian oil (1)
Anglo-American (6)
Anglo-Dutch (1)
Anglo-Pensylvanian (1)
Antar (3)
Aral (1)
ARC (1)
Archer (1)
Archeson (1)
Argyll Motors (1)
Ariel (1)
Armstrong Siddeley (1)
Arno (1)
ARO (1)
Aston (1)
Aston Martin (8)
Aston-Martin (7)
Atlantic (1)
Atlas (1)
Aureole (1)
Austin (4)
Austrailian (1)
Auto Club (2)
Autolubrine (1)
Automobiline (2)
Avery (4)
Avery Hardoll (4)
Avia (1)
Avon (17)
Azur (1)
B.A.L. (1)
B.A.R.C. (1)
B.P (4)
B.P. (136)
B.P. Prices (1)
B.P. SHELL (1)
B.P./ SHELL (1)
BAA (1)
Baco (2)
Bal-lon-ette Tyres (1)
Ballonettes (1)
Baralene (1)
Bartholemew (1)
Bartlett (2)
Bartolene (1)
Bates (2)
Bates Tyres (3)
Bearcreek (1)
Beckmeter (2)
Bedford (1)
Belco (3)
Belgrave (1)
Bennett (2)
Benzole Mixture (1)
Beru (1)
Besglos (1)
Bestobell (1)
Big Tree (4)
Biglow (1)
Birmingham Footpumps (1)
Black Cat (1)
Blackstone (2)
Blick (1)
Blue Bell tobacco. (1)
Blue Star (1)
Bluebird (3)
Bluebird. (1)
Board of Trade (1)
Boars Head (1)
Bosch (2)
Bosphorus (5)
Boutillion (1)
Boutillon (France) (1)
Bow Bells (4)
Bowden (1)
Bowring (1)
Bowring's (1)
Bowrings (1)
Bowser (23)
Bowser (France) (1)
Bowser/Wayne (1)
Boydell (1)
BP (1)
Bradbury (1)
Brasso (1)
Brecknell (2)
Bret-Oil (1)
Brett's (3)
Brico (1)
Bridges (1)
Brigsolene (1)
Brilliant (1)
Britannia (1)
British (1)
British Aero Lubricants. (1)
British Goodrich (1)
British Monogram (2)
British Monogram Oils (1)
British Oil (1)
British Traders (1)
Brooke Bond (1)
Brooklands (14)
Bryant (1)
Bryant & May (1)
BSA (1)
Burmah (1)
Burnard Alger's (1)
Burnham (1)
Burroughs (1)
Butler (1)
C.A.V. (3)
C.M.P. (1)
C.W.S. (2)
Caltex (9)
Campbells (1)
Capstan (1)
Car Mart (3)
Carbide (4)
Carbonil (2)
Carborundum (3)
Carbox (France) (1)
Carburine (19)
Carburol (7)
Carless (16)
Carrerras (1)
Cars for hire (1)
Cascade (1)
Castol (4)
Castrol (150)
Castrol (Belgium) (1)
Celerine (1)
Chad Valley (1)
Challenge (10)
Champion (34)
Chandler (4)
Charles Phillips (1)
Chemico (47)
Chevron (1)
Churchman's (1)
Cie Generales des Petroyles. (1)
Citex (1)
Cities Services (1)
Citroen (1)
City Petroleum, Preston (1)
Cleveland (49)
Clipper (1)
Clipper Tyres (1)
Combine (2)
Comteurs (1)
Concrete Products. (1)
Conoco (1)
Conograph (1)
Continental (1)
Continental Tyres (1)
Cooler (1)
Coolie (2)
Coolie Oil (1)
Coro Oil (1)
Corp. of London (1)
Cory's (1)
Cossor (1)
County (1)
County Chemical Co. (2)
Courtioux (1)
Craepola (1)
Craven (2)
Craven "A" (1)
Crossley (1)
Cycle burning oil. (1)
Cyclemaster (1)
Cyclists (1)
D.F.Oil (1)
Dagenite (4)
Daily Sketch (1)
Daimler (5)
Daimler/Lanchester (1)
Daimler/Lanchester/BSA (1)
Daimler? (2)
Daisy (1)
Dalton & Co. (1)
Dalton Co. (1)
Dashboard plaque (2)
Davies (1)
De Dion (1)
Diamond (1)
Dick & Co. (1)
Diesel, Not for resale. (1)
Dodge (1)
Dominion (23)
Dominions (1)
Dove Phillips & Pett (1)
Draco (1)
Dragonfly (11)
Dual (1)
Duckham's (5)
Duckhams (46)
Duckhams (Rover) (1)
Dunlop (121)
Dunlopish! (1)
E. Joy & Sons (1)
E.G. Acheson Ltd (1)
E.O. Archenson (1)
E.R. Plugs (1)
Eagle Star (2)
Eco (2)
Ecomaster (1)
Edge (1)
Edinburgh News (1)
Edison (1)
Ediswan (1)
Edward Joy & Sons (1)
Electrine (1)
Elektrion (2)
Elephant Chemical Co. (2)
Elephant Chemical oiler. (1)
Empire (2)
Empire Manufacturing (1)
Englebert (2)
Engleberts (1)
Enots (1)
Equateur (1)
Erie (1)
Esso (67)
ESSO/B.P./ N.B.C. (1)
Esso/Nat.Ben (1)
Essolene (1)
Ethyl (1)
Everetts (1)
Excelene (2)
Excelite (1)
Exide (10)
Express (1)
Eyquem (3)
Eyrie (1)
Fairylite (1)
Falcon (1)
Falcon. (1)
Fenn's (1)
Ferodo (4)
Ferogrip (1)
Ferro (1)
Fiat (5)
Filtrate (37)
Fina (18)
Finzol (1)
Fire (1)
Fire sign (1)
Firestone (10)
Fisk (1)
Fitt (1)
Flag (1)
Fluxite (1)
Forward (1)
Forward Oil (1)
Forward. (2)
Francis Williams (1)
Franco signs. (1)
Frank Morris (1)
Frazers (2)
French (1)
French. (1)
FRY (Liquid Measurements) (2)
Fry's (2)
G&B T8/Slack & Parr (1)
G.L.I.C.O. (2)
G.M.T. (1)
G.P.D. (1)
G.T.L. (1)
Gamages (9)
Garage (1)
Garth & Browm (1)
Gaulois (1)
Gem (1)
Generic (1)
Germ (7)
Gex (4)
Gilbert & Barker (4)
Gilbert and Barker (11)
Gledhill (1)
Glico (26)
Glidol (1)
Godwin (1)
Gold Block (1)
Goodrich (9)
Goodwin (3)
Goodwin (Theo) (1)
Goodyear (12)
Graisses (1)
Graphol (1)
Grindons (1)
Grundys (1)
Gulf (6)
GWK (1)
H. Samuel (1)
H.F. (3)
Hadfields (1)
Halford (1)
Halford's (4)
Halfords (2)
Hammond (23)
Hardol (1)
Harley Davidson. (3)
Hart (1)
Hawke (1)
Henley Tyres (1)
Hermatic (1)
Hillman (2)
Hispano Suiza (1)
Holdtite (4)
Holts (1)
Hope (1)
Hudson's (1)
Humber (2)
Hunts (1)
Hutchinson (2)
Hutchinson Tyres (1)
I.M.T. (1)
Ideal Petroleum Co. (1)
Ideal Tyres. (1)
Ideal. (1)
IGNA (2)
Igol (1)
ILO (1)
Imperial Tobacco (1)
Imperiales (1)
India (1)
India Tyres (1)
Insurance (1)
Invicta (13)
Invincible (1)
Irish Signs (2)
Ivy oil. (1)
J.E. Lawes (1)
J.J. Allen (1)
J.P. Cables (1)
Jackall (1)
Jester (1)
Jet (4)
John Bull (28)
John Bull. (1)
John Morris &Son. (1)
Joy & Sons (1)
K.L.Allen (1)
K.L.G. (13)
Karpol (3)
Kempshall (2)
Kent (1)
Kenworth (8)
Kismet (2)
KKL (1)
KLG (9)
Kodak (1)
Komo (2)
Kyl (1)
Kyle (1)
L&G (1)
Labrol (1)
Laycock (2)
Legal (1)
Leggetts (1)
Lightning (2)
Lion (1)
Lissen (2)
Lister (5)
Lithanode (2)
Lithonade (1)
Lobitos (4)
Lockhead (1)
Lockheed (3)
Lodge (22)
London Sand Blast Works. (1)
Lubricine (1)
Lubrol (2)
Lucas (13)
Lucas-Rotax-C.A.V. (1)
Luchard (1)
Lumax (3)
M.G. (1)
MacNiven & Cameron (1)
Maddox (1)
Magnalite (1)
Magnolia (1)
Major (1)
Major & Co. (2)
Majors (4)
Manchester Oil (1)
Marchal (3)
Massa (1)
Mathew Wells & Co, (1)
Mathis (2)
Max (1)
Maxima (8)
Mazda (2)
Meccano (3)
Mephisto (1)
Mercedes (1)
Messer & Thorpe (1)
MEX (7)
Michelin Clincher (1)
Midland (1)
Midland/Nortern Star (1)
Mileage (1)
Mileage Oil (1)
Milwalkee (2)
Milwaukee (1)
Minimax (5)
Miracle (2)
Miracle Oil (1)
Mitchell (1)
Mixtrol (12)
Mixture (1)
Mobil (116)
Mobil Vacuum (2)
Mobilgas (1)
Mobiloil (7)
Moboline (1)
Model (1)
Molil (2)
Morgan & Wright (1)
Morris (19)
Morris & Son (2)
Morris's (6)
Morrisol (3)
Moscrop's (1)
Moseley (1)
Motor Carriages (1)
Motor Challenge (1)
Motor Coke. (1)
Motor Matches (1)
Motor Oil (1)
Motor Oils (1)
Motor Repairs (1)
Motor Trades (1)
Motor Union. (1)
Motor Unuion (2)
Motorine (2)
Motoring (1)
Muller (1)
Munster Sims (2)
Muratti's (1)
N.B.C. (2)
Napier Motors (1)
National (3)
National Benzol (2)
National Benzole (60)
National Pumps (1)
National. (2)
Neals (1)
Nelson Tyres (1)
Nervol (1)
Nettlefords (1)
New Hudson (1)
New Imperial Motors (1)
Newcastle Benzol (1)
Newruck (1)
News of the World (1)
Newton (10)
Newton oil (1)
Newton Oils (1)
Nichol & Co (1)
Nicol & Co (2)
Nicol & Co. (1)
Nicol's & Co. (1)
Nigga (1)
None known. (1)
None195 (1)
North British Insurance. (1)
North Pole (2)
Nosegay (1)
Not for resale (4)
Not Known (3)
Notween (6)
Novelt (1)
Nut Brown (1)
O' Brien (1)
O'Briens (1)
Oakbank (2)
Ocean Insurance (1)
Ocean Policies (1)
Ogden's (1)
Ogdens (2)
Oilene (1)
Oiline (1)
Oldham (2)
Oleo (1)
Ospedol (1)
Oto (1)
Ovaline (1)
Ovoline (3)
Ozo (1)
P.C.L. (4)
P.G.R. (3)
Pace (1)
Palatia (1)
Palmer (9)
Palmer Tyres (6)
Palmer Tyres. (1)
Paragon (2)
Pare-Brise Arriere (1)
Park Drive (2)
Parkes Quinton (1)
Parkhurst (1)
Patchquick (6)
Patent Enamel (1)
Patent Oil (1)
PCL (1)
Pearl (1)
Pedlley Patches (1)
Pelton (1)
Pem (1)
Perm-A-Grip (1)
Permagrip (1)
Petrol (6)
Petrol Check Measures (1)
Petrolex (1)
Petrolite (2)
Petrone (1)
Petroyle (4)
Pilchers (1)
Pioneer (1)
Pirelli (1)
Players (9)
Plume (1)
Pollygas (1)
Pool (2)
Portland oil (1)
Power (38)
Pratt's (6)
Pratt's. (1)
Pratts (115)
Premier (1)
Premium (1)
Presto (1)
Price's (1)
Prices (37)
Primex (1)
Pritchard & Co. (1)
Prowodnik (1)
Public Telephone (1)
Pulsator (1)
Purfina (1)
Pyramid (2)
R,O,P, (2)
R.A.C. (15)
R.G. Whitaker (1)
R.I.A.C. (1)
R.O.P. (54)
RAC (7)
Radio (2)
Radio carbide (1)
Ragosine (1)
Raleigh (2)
Ransomes (1)
Rapson (3)
Raybestos (1)
Reckitts (1)
Record (1)
Redex (14)
Redline (44)
Redline Glico (3)
Redline-Glico (2)
Regent (23)
Reliance (1)
Renault (4)
Renault Oil (1)
Repro (2)
Richfield. (1)
Richford (4)
Rico (1)
Ridgoleum (1)
Riley (1)
Rival (2)
Rix (1)
Road Sign (27)
Road signs (1)
Road Transport (2)
Robin (1)
Rock Oil? (1)
Romac (30)
ROP (16)
Rosco (1)
Ross (1)
Ross & Co. (1)
Ross Petrol (1)
Rotary (1)
Rotax (1)
Rowntree (2)
Rowntree's (1)
Royal Daylight (8)
Royal Insurance (2)
Royal Scottish (1)
Royal Snowdrift (3)
Royal Standard (1)
Rubberine (1)
Rushton (1)
S (1)
S.A.T.A.M. (1)
S.I.A.M. (1)
S.M.K. (1)
Samuel Hill (1)
Sasso (2)
Satam (4)
Satam (France) (7)
Satam. (1)
Satam/G&B (1)
Schrader (1)
Schraeder (3)
Scintilla (1)
Scotch (3)
Scottish Auto Club (2)
Scottish Tel Club (1)
Searle (1)
Segrave /Ford (1)
SELO (2)
Sentinel (3)
Shamrock (4)
Sharpe (1)
Shell (441)
SHell Crown. (1)
Shell Vickers (2)
Shell-Mex (2)
Shell/B.P. (4)
Shell/BP (1)
Shell/Cleveland? (1)
Shell/Esso/BP (1)
Shell/Pratts (1)
Shellmex (1)
Shellmex and B.P. (1)
Shellmex/B.P. (1)
Siam (1)
Siam (France) (1)
Silene (1)
Silensol (1)
Silentene (2)
Silkolene (2)
Silverman (1)
Silvertown (1)
Silvertown OIls (1)
Simoniz (1)
Sinclair. (1)
Slip (1)
SM&BP (1)
Smallman Oil (1)
Smallmans (1)
Smith's (2)
Smoking (1)
Snowdrift (2)
Snowflake (3)
Solvolene (1)
Specialloid pistons (1)
Speedoil (4)
Speedolene (4)
Speedon (1)
Speedwell (39)
Spencer Moulton (1)
Spencer Moulton. (1)
Sphinx (12)
Sphinx Plugs (1)
Spido (1)
Spirit & (1)
Spirit 7 (7)
Sprol (1)
St. Bruno (2)
St. Christopher (2)
St. Helens (1)
ST. Julien (3)
St.Bruno (1)
Staminol (1)
Standard (5)
Stella (1)
Stenor (1)
Stephen Brant & Joseph Lang Ltd. (1)
Stephens (1)
Stepney (5)
Sternol (16)
Sternoline (1)
Sterns (1)
Stouts (1)
Strange's (2)
Strernol (1)
Sun (3)
Sun Insurance (4)
Superior (1)
Superior. (1)
Superoil. (1)
Supervulc (1)
Suter Hartmann (1)
T.B. (1)
T.O.P. (6)
Tea Rose (2)
Tecalamit (2)
Tecalemit (5)
Telephone (1)
Tewel (1)
Texaco (48)
Texaco Austrailia (1)
The Pneunatic Tyre Co. (1)
Thelson (5)
Themis (France) (4)
Theo (21)
Theo & Co (5)
Thompson (2)
Thurlows (1)
Tilcox (1)
Tilling-Stevens (1)
Timothy Whites (1)
Tobacco (2)
Tobatta (1)
Tokheim (2)
Tom Long (1)
Total (1)
Trident (1)
Trip Oil (1)
Tungstone (2)
Tyres (1)
UMC (1)
Unico (1)
Union (1)
Union & Redline (1)
United Kingdom Teas (1)
Vaccuum Oils (1)
Vacuum (2)
Vacuum Oil (6)
Vacuum Oil Co (1)
Vacuum Oil Co. (6)
Vacuum Oils (1)
Valmorel (1)
Valmorrel (1)
Valor (1)
Valor? (2)
Valvoline (2)
Vanner (1)
Vantas (1)
Various. (1)
Vauxhall (4)
Veedol (3)
Vel-va-lube (1)
Velvene (2)
Velvet (1)
Velvol (1)
Vermorel (France) (1)
Vickers (3)
Vickerys (1)
Victory (1)
Vigsol (1)
Vigzol (8)
VIP (1)
Vita (1)
Vulcan (1)
W.B.Dick (2)
W.B.Dick &Co (2)
W.D. & H.O. Wills (1)
W.H. Smith (1)
W.H.Smith (1)
Wadhams (1)
Wakefield (30)
Wakefield Castrol (1)
Wakefield. (1)
Wakefild (1)
Warwick tyres (1)
Warwick Tyres. (1)
Watling Street Filling Station (1)
Wayne (18)
Weights & Measures (1)
Weights and Measures. (1)
Wells (1)
Wellsaline (13)
West Surrey Dairy (1)
WH Smith (1)
White & May (1)
White Eagle (1)
White Rose (1)
Wilkinson (1)
Wilkinson & Simpson (1)
Will's (2)
William Riddell (1)
Williamson (1)
Wills (15)
Wills's (3)
Wolseley (2)
Wood-Milne (4)
Woodgates (3)
XL Motor oil (1)
Yacco (2)
Zenith (1)
Zero (4)
Zollpeer (1)
Browse by Brand
Mobloil Gargoyle (1)
Motorine Prince of Wales. (1)
? (2)
A,A, Farnham (1)
A,C, Plugs (2)
A,C. (1)
A,C. Plugs (1)
A.A. (51)
A.A. & Motor Unuion. (1)
A.A. Motor Cycle (1)
A.A. Motor Unuionn (1)
A.A.190 (1)
A.A.200 (1)
A.C. (14)
A.C. Cars (2)
A.C. Owners Club (1)
A.C. Plugs (7)
A.C.N.F. (1)
A.C.Plugs (1)
A1 Oil (1)
Abbey (1)
Accordian (1)
ACME (1)
Adcol (1)
Aero (9)
Aero Benzole (1)
Aero Motor Spirit (1)
Aero Special (1)
Aerolene (1)
Aeroshell (6)
Agrippa (1)
Air (2)
AKA (1)
Aladdin (2)
Albion (8)
Alda (1)
Alfa Romeo (1)
Alfa-Romeo (1)
All's Well (1)
Allcocks (1)
Allweiler (1)
Ampol (1)
Anglo American (8)
Anglo American (Fantasy) (2)
Anglo American Oil (1)
Anglo Dutch (2)
Anglo Pennsilvanian (1)
Anglo Russian (1)
Anglo-Dutch (1)
Anglo-Pensylvanian (1)
Antar (4)
Aral (1)
ARC (1)
Archer (1)
Argyll (1)
Ariel (1)
Armstrong Siddeley (1)
Arno (1)
ARO (1)
Aston -Martin (7)
Aston 1980's (1)
Aston Martin (8)
Atlantic (1)
Atlas (1)
Atmah (1)
Aureole (1)
Austin (5)
Australian (1)
Auto Club (1)
Autobile (1)
Autolubrine (1)
Automobiline (2)
Autoveline (1)
Avery (1)
Avia (2)
Avon (16)
Avon Tyres (1)
Azur (2)
B.A.L. (1)
B.A.R.C. (1)
B.P. (115)
B.P. / SHELL (1)
B.P. Blend (1)
B.P. Commercial (4)
B.P. Diesel (2)
B.P. Ethyl (2)
B.P. No.1 (1)
B.P. Plus (3)
B.P. Regular (1)
B.P. Sealed pump. (1)
B.P. Super (3)
B.P. Zoom (1)
BAA (1)
Baco (2)
Bal-lon-ette (1)
Ballonettes (1)
Baralene (1)
Bartolemew (1)
Bartolene (1)
Bates (3)
Bates Tyres (2)
Bearcreek (1)
Beckmeter (1)
Bedford (1)
Belco (3)
Belgrave tyres (1)
Belomine (1)
Benzol (1)
Benzole (3)
Benzole Mixture (2)
Benzyole U.C.L. (1)
Beru (1)
Besglos (1)
Bibendum (1)
Big Tree (4)
Biglow (1)
Birmingham (1)
Black Cat (2)
Black oil (1)
Blackstone (2)
Blick (1)
Blue Bell tobacco (1)
Blue Bird. (1)
Blue Star (1)
Bluebird (4)
Boars Head (1)
Borough of Crewe (1)
Bosch (2)
Bosphorus (6)
Boutillion (1)
Bow Bells (3)
Bow Bells oils (1)
Bowden (1)
Bowring (1)
Bowring's (1)
Bowser (12)
Boydell (1)
BP & Shell (1)
BP Energic (2)
Brasso (1)
Brecknell (2)
Bret-oil (1)
Brett's (2)
Brett's Oils (1)
Brico (1)
Brigsolene (1)
Britannia (1)
British Aero (1)
British Burning Oil (1)
British Goodrich (1)
British Monogram (2)
British Traders (1)
Brooke Bond (1)
Brooklands (12)
Bryant (1)
Bryant & May (1)
BSA (1)
Bull Dog (1)
Burmah (1)
Burnard Algers (1)
Burnham (1)
Burroughs (1)
Butler (1)
c (1)
C,W.S. (1)
C.A.V. (4)
C.M.P. (1)
Calcometer (1)
Caltex (10)
Campbells (1)
Capstan (3)
Capstan/Gold Flake (1)
Car Mart (3)
Carbide (7)
Carbide of Calcium (1)
Carbonil (2)
Carborundum (3)
Carburine (19)
Carburol (7)
Carless (18)
Cars for Hire (1)
Cascade (2)
Castrol (174)
Castrol "D" (1)
Castrol oil (1)
Castrol Wakefield (1)
Castrol/B.P./Regent (1)
Castrolease (1)
Castrollo (6)
Celerine (1)
Challenge (12)
Challenge Motor Oil (2)
Challenge oil. (1)
Champion (31)
Champion Plugs (2)
Champion/J.D. (1)
Chandler (4)
Chemico (32)
Chemico antifreeze (1)
Chevron (1)
Citex (2)
Citroen (1)
Clarkes (1)
Clevecol Special (1)
Cleveland (45)
Cleveland Benzole (1)
Cleveland Discol (1)
Cleveland No.1 (1)
Cleveland Special (1)
Cleveland/Shell? (1)
Clincher (2)
Clipper (2)
Collan Oil (1)
Combine (1)
Combine Motor Spirit (1)
Comteurs (1)
Concrete Produts (1)
Conoco (1)
Continental (2)
Cooler (1)
Coolie (3)
Coro (1)
Cory's (1)
Cossor (1)
County (1)
Cow and Gate (1)
Craepola (1)
Craven (1)
Craven "A" (2)
Cross (1)
Crossley (1)
Crown (5)
CTA (1)
Curry/Nelson (1)
Cycle Oil (1)
Cyclemaster (1)
D.F.Oil (1)
Dagenite (4)
Daily Sketch (1)
Daimler (7)
Daimler oil. (1)
Daimler/Lanchester (1)
Daisy (1)
Davies (1)
De Dion (1)
Derv Shell/B.P. (1)
Diamond (2)
Diesel . Not for resale. (1)
Diesoline (1)
Doctors Stout. (1)
Dodge Ram (1)
Dominion (24)
Dominion Extra (1)
Dominion Insurance (1)
Dominions (1)
Double Shell (1)
Draco. (1)
Dragonfly (15)
Drumhead (1)
Dual (1)
Duckham's (1)
Duckham's Morrisol (1)
Duckhams (30)
Duckhams Adcol N.P. (1)
Duckhams/Morris (1)
Dunlop (115)
Dunlop Camrbidge (1)
Dunlop Cord (1)
Dunlop Fort (1)
Dunlop patches. (2)
Dunlop Pericles (1)
Dunlop Roadster (1)
E.R. Plugs (1)
Eagle Star (2)
Eco (2)
Edge (1)
Edinburgh News (1)
Edison (1)
Ediswan (1)
Electrine (1)
Elektrion (2)
Elephant Carbide (2)
Emlyn. (1)
Empire (3)
Energol (7)
Energol/Energic (1)
Englebert (2)
Engleberts (1)
Enots (1)
Equateur grease. (2)
Esso (57)
Esso Benzol (1)
Esso Benzol Mixture (1)
Esso Blue (1)
Esso Ethyl (1)
Esso Extra (4)
Esso Extra (Tiger) (1)
Esso mixture. (1)
Esso Popular (1)
Esso, Pratts, National Benzole (1)
Esso/Pratts (1)
Essolene (3)
Essolube (3)
Ethyl (1)
Excelene (2)
Excelite (1)
Exide (10)
EXOL (1)
Express (1)
Eyquem (3)
Falcon (1)
Falcon oil (1)
Fenn's (1)
Ferodo (3)
Ferogrip (2)
Ferro (1)
Fiat (5)
Filtrare (1)
Filtrate (33)
Filtrate penetrating oil (1)
Filtrate Wolsley (1)
Fina (17)
Finzol (1)
Firestone (10)
Fisk (1)
Fitt (1)
Five Boy's chocolate (1)
Five Boys (1)
Flag (1)
Fluxite (1)
Ford (1)
Forward (3)
Forward Oil (1)
Francis Williams (1)
Frank Morris (1)
Frasers (1)
Frazers (1)
French chalk (1)
Furor (1)
G&B (2)
G.L.I.C.O. (1)
G.M.T. (1)
G.T.L. (1)
Gamages (9)
Garage (3)
Gargoyle (13)
Garvie (1)
Gaulois (1)
Gem (1)
Generic (1)
Germ (6)
Germ Oils (1)
Gilbert & Barker (1)
Gledhill (1)
Glico (28)
Glico Newton (1)
Glico Super (1)
Glidol (1)
Godwin (1)
Gold Block (1)
Gold Flake (3)
Golden (1)
Golden Film (3)
Golden Fleece (1)
Goodrich (8)
Goodrich Tyres (1)
Goodyear (10)
Goodyear (Heavy duty). (1)
Goodyear. (1)
Graphol (2)
Grindon's (1)
Grundy's (1)
Gulf (7)
GWK (1)
H.F. (2)
Hadfields (1)
Halford (1)
Halford's (2)
Halfords (2)
Hammond (14)
Hammond Model "A". (1)
Harley Davidson (3)
Hart (1)
Havoline (2)
Henley (1)
Hillman (2)
Hispano Suisa (1)
Holdtite (5)
Holts (1)
Hope (1)
Hudson's (1)
Huiles Renault (1)
Humber (1)
Humber Motor Cycles (1)
Hunts (1)
Hutchinson (2)
Hutchinson Tyres (1)
Hydro fluid. (1)
I.L.O. (3)
I.M.T. (1)
Ideal (1)
Ideal Petroleum (1)
Ideal Tyres. (1)
IGNA (2)
Igol (1)
ILO (1)
Imperiales (1)
India (1)
India Tyres (1)
Insurance (2)
Insurance Services (1)
Invicta (13)
Invincible (1)
Ivy (1)
J,P. Cables (1)
J.E. Lawes (1)
J.J.Allen (1)
Jackall (1)
Jester (1)
Jet (1)
Jet 75/88 (1)
Jet 93 (1)
Jet 97 (1)
Jevons (1)
John Bull (27)
John Bull valve tubing. (1)
John Bull. (1)
Juggler (1)
K.L.G. (17)
Karpol (4)
Kempshall (2)
Kent (1)
Kenworth (4)
Kenworth. (4)
Kismet (2)
KKL (1)
KLD Plugs (1)
Kleervu (1)
KLG (4)
Knight Engines (1)
Kodak (1)
Komo (2)
Kyl (1)
kyle (1)
L&G (1)
Labrol (1)
Laycock (2)
Legal (1)
Leyland/Scammell/Albion. (1)
Lightning (2)
Linklyfe (1)
Lion (2)
Lissen (2)
Lister (4)
Lithanode (2)
Lithonade (1)
Lobitos (4)
Lockhead (1)
Lockheed (2)
Lodge (18)
Lodge Plugs (4)
London Sand Blast Works (1)
Lubricine (1)
Lubrol (2)
Lucas (12)
Luchard (1)
Lumax (3)
Luvax-Bijur (1)
M.G. (1)
MacNiven & Cameron (1)
Maddox (1)
Magikoyl (1)
Magnalite (1)
Magnolia (2)
Magnum (1)
Major's (1)
Majors (4)
Majors Paraffin (1)
Manchester Oil (1)
Marchal (3)
Massa (1)
Mathis (2)
Max (1)
Maxima (7)
Mazda (2)
Meccano (2)
Mephisto (1)
Merecedes (1)
Meridia (1)
Mermatic (1)
Messer & Thorpe (1)
Mex (7)
Michelin (57)
Mileage (1)
Mileage Oil (1)
Milwalkee (1)
Mineral water (1)
Minimax (6)
Miracle (2)
Miracle Oil (1)
Mixtrol (12)
Mixture. (1)
Mobil (91)
Mobil "BB" (1)
Mobil "D" (1)
Mobil Artic (1)
Mobil oil (2)
Mobilgrease (2)
Mobiloil (10)
Mobiloil "A" (2)
Mobiloil "C" (1)
Mobiloil "D" (1)
Mobiloil. (2)
Mobiloil. BB (1)
Mobilube racing (1)
Mobilubricant (1)
Moboline (1)
Moebius (1)
Mohloob (1)
Morgan & Wright (1)
Morris (17)
Morris Commercial (1)
Morris Sales & Service (1)
Morris's (3)
Morrisoil (1)
Morrisol (14)
Morrisol "Sirrom" (1)
Morrisol Red (1)
Morrisol/Sirrom (1)
Moseley (1)
Motor Carriages. (1)
Motor Challenge (1)
Motor coke (1)
Motor Grease (1)
Motor matches (1)
Motor Oil (1)
Motor Oils (1)
Motor Repairs (1)
Motor Trades (1)
Motor Union (3)
Motor Unuion (1)
Motorine (5)
Motorine C (1)
Motorine SS (1)
Movril (1)
Munster Sims (2)
Muratti's (1)
N.B.C, (1)
N.B.C. (1)
N.O,L, (1)
N.O.L. (1)
N.P. oils (1)
Naphtacycle (1)
Napier Motors (1)
Nat. Ben (2)
National (5)
National Benzol (5)
National Benzole (59)
Navy Cut (1)
NBC (1)
Neal's (1)
Nervol (1)
New Hudson (1)
New Imperial Motors (1)
Newcastle Benzol (1)
Newruck (1)
News of the World (1)
Newton (5)
Nigga (4)
Non-Clog (1)
Nonclog (4)
Nonclog lubricating oil (1)
North British Insurance. (1)
North Pole (1)
North Pole Tyres (1)
Nosegay (1)
Not For Resale (4)
Not for resale. (1)
Not known (2)
Notween (7)
Notwen (6)
Novelt (1)
Nut Brown (1)
O'Brien (1)
O'Briens (1)
Oakbank (2)
Ocean Ins (2)
Ocean signs (1)
Oil Dag (1)
OIldag (2)
Oilene (1)
Oiline (1)
Oilit (1)
Oldham (2)
Oleo (1)
Ospedol oil (1)
Oto (1)
Ovaline (1)
Ovoline (3)
Ozo (2)
P.C.L. (4)
P.G.R. (3)
Pace (1)
Palmer (15)
Paraffin (1)
Paragon (1)
Paragon Derv. (1)
Pare-Brise Arriere (1)
Park Drive (1)
Park Drive ciggy's (1)
Parkes (1)
Parkhurst (1)
Patchquick (9)
Patent Enamel (1)
Patent Oil (1)
PCL (1)
Pearl (1)
Pedley (1)
Pelton (1)
Pem (1)
Perm-A-Grip. (1)
Permagrip (1)
Petrol (6)
Petrolex (1)
Petrolite (2)
Petrone (1)
Petroyle (7)
Pilchers (1)
Pioneer (1)
Pirelli (1)
Plastene (1)
Players (5)
Players Navy Cut (1)
Players Navy Mixture (1)
Plume (1)
Pollygas (1)
Polygas (1)
Pool (2)
Portland (1)
Power (36)
Power Diesel (1)
Power Ethyl (3)
Powerin (1)
Powerplus (1)
Pratt's (9)
Pratt's Ethyl (1)
Pratts (113)
Pratts Benzol (1)
Pratts Perfection (1)
Premier (1)
Premium (1)
Presto (1)
Prices (26)
Prices Motorine (3)
Prices Oil (2)
Primex (1)
Prince of Wales (1)
Pritchards (1)
Prowodnik (1)
Pulsator (1)
Purfina (6)
Pyramid (3)
Q.5500 (1)
r (1)
R.A.C. (18)
R.G. Whitaker (1)
R.I.A.C. (1)
R.O.P. (56)
R.O.P. AMG oil (1)
R.O.P. Benzole (1)
R.O.P. Kerosene (1)
R.O.P. MH grade (1)
R.O.P. Polar Oil (1)
R.O.P. Zip (4)
R.O.P. Zip (Polar) (1)
R.O.P. Zip. (1)
R.O.P./Power/Pratts (1)
RAC (4)
Radiator Glycerine (1)
Radio carbide (1)
Ragosine (1)
Raleigh (1)
Raleigh cycles (1)
Rangoon Oil (1)
Ransomes (1)
Raphaelite (1)
Rapson (3)
Raybestos (1)
Record (1)
Redbreast Flake (1)
Redex (14)
Redline (37)
Redline Commercial (1)
Redline Ethyl. (1)
Redline Glico (3)
Redline Super (3)
Redline-Glico (1)
Regent (15)
Regent Derv (1)
Regent Regular (1)
Regent Super (1)
Regent Supreme (1)
Regent TT (1)
Regent/Havoline (1)
Reliance (1)
Renault (4)
Repro (2)
Richfield (2)
Richfield (U.S.A.) (1)
Richford (2)
Richford "B" (1)
Rico (1)
Ridgoleum (1)
Riley (1)
Ristol (1)
Rival (2)
Rix Standard (1)
Road Sign (29)
Road signs (1)
Robin (1)
Rock Lamp Oil (1)
Romac (28)
Romac valve paste. (1)
ROP (1)
Rosco (1)
Ross (2)
Ross Petrol (1)
Rotary (1)
Rotax (1)
Rover (1)
Rowntree (3)
Royal (1)
Royal Daylight (7)
Royal Insurance (1)
Royal Scottish (1)
Royal Snowdrift (2)
Royal Standard (3)
Rubberine Tyres (1)
Runeasy (1)
Rushton Hornsby (1)
S.I.A.M. (1)
S.M.K. (1)
Samuel (1)
Samuel Hill (1)
Sasso (2)
Schrader (1)
Schraeder (3)
Scintilla (1)
Scotch (3)
Scotish Tel Club (1)
Scottish Auto Club (1)
Scottish Automobile Club (1)
Seagull (1)
Seal-A-Leak (1)
Searchlight (1)
Searle (1)
Segrave/Ford (1)
Selo (2)
Sentinel (3)
Sepoyle (1)
Shamrock (4)
Sharpe (1)
Shell (403)
Shell (Black) (1)
Shell (Dutch) (1)
Shell (France) (1)
Shell Australia (1)
Shell Colchester (1)
Shell Crown (1)
Shell Derv (1)
Shell Garage (2)
Shell golden. (1)
Shell Mex (4)
Shell motor oil (1)
Shell oil (5)
Shell oil. (1)
Shell Penertating Oil. (1)
Shell Regular (1)
Shell sealed (2)
Shell single (1)
Shell Tractor (1)
Shell Triple (1)
Shell-Mex (1)
Shell/BP (1)
Shell/Esso/BP (1)
Shellmex (5)
Shellmex and BP (1)
Shellmex/B.P. (1)
Silene (1)
Silensol (1)
Silentene (2)
Silkolene (4)
Silvertown (2)
Simoniz (1)
Sinclair (1)
Single Shell (1)
Sirrom (1)
Sky Chief (1)
Slack & Parr/G&B. (1)
Slip (1)
Smallman Oil (1)
Smallman's (1)
Smith's mixture (1)
Smoking (1)
Snowdrift (3)
Snowflake (4)
Socony (1)
Solvol (1)
Specialloid pistons (1)
Speed (1)
Speedoil (3)
Speedoil UCL. (1)
Speedolene (4)
Speedon (1)
Speedone (1)
Speedwell (37)
Speedwell Grease (1)
Speedwell oil (1)
Spencer Moulton (1)
Spencer Moulton. (1)
Sphinx (12)
Sphinx Plugs (1)
Spido (1)
Spirit (1)
Spirit 7 (7)
Sprol (1)
St Christopher (2)
St. Bartholomew (1)
St. Bruno (2)
St. Christopher (1)
St. Julien (2)
St.Bruno (1)
St.Helens (1)
St.Julien (1)
Staminol (1)
Standard (5)
Standard oil (1)
Star (1)
Star cigarettes (1)
Stella (1)
Stenor (1)
Stephens (1)
Stepney (4)
Stepney Tyres (1)
Sternol (14)
Sternoline (3)
Sterns (1)
Stop-it (1)
Stouts (1)
Strange's (1)
Summer Motor Oil (1)
Summer Shell (3)
Sun (3)
Sun Insurance (3)
Sun Motor Spirit (1)
Super Shell (4)
Superior (2)
Superoil. (1)
Supervulc (1)
Sussex Council (1)
Suter Hartmann & Rahtjen's (1)
Sweet Rosemary (1)
T,B. (1)
T.O.P. (4)
T.O.P. No.1 (1)
Tea Rose (1)
Tecalamit (1)
Tecalemit (8)
Tenner cigarettes (1)
Tewel (1)
Texaco (52)
Thelson (5)
Theo (18)
Theo Electric (1)
Theo Multiple (2)
Theo Oil Pump (2)
Theo Pool (1)
Theo Samoa (1)
This Motoring (1)
Thompson (1)
Three Castles (1)
Thurlows (1)
Tiger (1)
Tobatta (1)
Tom Long (1)
Total (1)
Tower Bridge (1)
Tower garage (1)
Trent Oil Products (1)
Trident (1)
Trip Oil (1)
Trojano (1)
TTilling-Stevens (1)
Tungstone (2)
Tyres (1)
UMC (1)
Unico (1)
Union (2)
United Kingdom Teas (1)
Vacuum (14)
Vacuum Marine Oils (1)
Valmorel (1)
Valmorrel (1)
Valor (1)
Valor? (2)
Valvoline (2)
Vantas (1)
Vauxhall (4)
Veedol (3)
Vel-va-lube (1)
Velvene (2)
Velvet (1)
Velvol (1)
Vickers (1)
Vickerys (1)
Vigzol (9)
VIP Super (1)
Vita (1)
Vulcan (1)
W,H,Smith (1)
W.B.Dick (2)
Wadhams (1)
Wakefield (1)
Wakefiels ( Castrol). (1)
Walnut plug (1)
Warwick (2)
Warwick Tyres (1)
Watling Street Filling Station. (1)
Wayne (3)
Wayne 800 (1)
Weights and Measures (1)
Wellsaline (13)
Westward Ho! (1)
Westward Ho. (1)
WH Smith (1)
White & May (2)
White Eagle (1)
White Rose (3)
White Rose/Royal Daylight. (1)
Wilkinson & Simpson (1)
Will-o-the-Wisp. (1)
William Riddell (1)
Williams (1)
Wills (7)
Wills's (3)
Wolseley (2)
Wood-Milne (4)
Woodbine (1)
X Rays (1)
XL (1)
Yacco (2)
Zenith (1)
Zero (4)
Zip (4)
ZIP Super Spirit (1)
Zollpeer (1)
This is the extended version. Click here for the compact list.


My Book Collection

The First Book
Petroliana - The First Book

Click here for more info


The Hunt
Petroliana - The Hunt

Click here for more info


On Location
Petroliana - On Location

Click here for more info

Hidden Treasures
Petroliana - Hidden Treasures

Click for more info

Ultimate Petroliana
Ultimate Petroliana

Click for more info


Please note ...You are welcome to save and print, for your own personal use, pictures and PDF documents from my website but not for publication without written permission. They are all ©COPYRIGHT PROTECTED so do e-mail me first for permission on specific photo's. To correct factual errors regarding information on this site please use the "contact" section.

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